“Royal Beatings” #ShortStoryHaiku inspired by Alice Munro
“Like Jewels” #ShortStoryHaiku inspired by Jamie Fitzpatrick
“A Bird-Shaped Hole In History” #ShortStoryHaiku inspired by Caragana Ennis
“Ms Yamada’s Toaster” #ShortStoryHaiku inspired by Kelly Luce
“Two-Step” #ShortStoryHaiku inspired by John Vigna
“The Father King” #ShortStoryHaiku inspired by Dolly Reisman
“Folding Bones” #ShortStoryHaiku inspired by Bernice Morgan
“Helen Before Troy” #ShortStoryHaiku inspired by Heather O’Neill
“The Snare. The Arm. The Guinea Pig. The Bottle. The Bus. The Night.” #ShortStoryHaiku inspired by Corinna Chong
“Teenage Punk” #ShortStoryHaiku inspired by Lucia Berlin
“Digging For Thomas” #ShortStoryHaiku inspired by Miranda Hill
“Most Nights” #ShortStoryHaiku inspired by Susannah Showler